Greg Boileau wins on Zwift at the 3R Classique Flat Race - 5 Laps (32.3km/20.1mi 95m)

VeloSelect-Silber rider Greg Boileau is a Winner-Winner Chicken dinner on Zwift Live 3R Classique Flat Race - 5 Laps (32.3km/20.1mi 95m). Thanks to our sponsors: Silber, POC Sports, Corsino Sport @DAI Inc, Schwalbe tires, #FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING

VeloSelect- Silber Rider Greg Boileau 2nd Zwift Racing League | WTRL - AMERICAS E (MEN) - Division 1

Veloselect-Silber rider Greg Boileau placed 2nd on the New York stage Of  The

Zwift Racing League | WTRL - AMERICAS E (MEN) - Division 1. Huge thanks to our sponsors: Silber, POC Sports, DAI Inc, Corsino Sport, Schwalbe North America. #FOLLOWTHE RED #KEEPFIGHTING




Veloselect-Silber Rider Greg Boileau places 2nd at Zwift Racing League | WTRL - Men's AMERICAS E DIVISION 1


VeloSelect-Silber Rider Greg Boileau  Places 2nd athe Televised on You tube Live Zwfit series race Zwift Racing League | WTRL - Men's AMERICAS E DIVISION 1. Thnaks ot our sponsors: Silber, Poc Sports, Corsino Sport, Schwalbe North America, DaiInc. #FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING

Ex rider James Piccoli Riding the 2020 Edition of the La Veulta Espana (Tour of Spain) with Israel Start up Nation


Image may contain: 1 person, text  Our ex rider James Piccoli doing his first Grandy!!!! Go get-em James!! Bonne Course James pour @lavuelta 2020!!!

2 wins for Greg Boileau on Zwift this week!!

VeloSelect-rider Greg Boileau won the 3R La Guardia loop Flat race on Zwift with competitors from all over the participating  on Wednesday October 14, 2020. This makes 2 wins this week!!  Thanks to our sponsors: Silber, POCSports, CorsinoSport, SchwalbeNorthAmerica. #FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING

VeloSelect-Silber Rider Greg Boileu wins on Zwift once again!!!


Veloselect-Silber Rider won once again on Zwift !!!! The WorldTour League Race #1 It was televised on  

Thanks to our sponsors: Silber, POCSports, Corsinosport, SchwalbeNorthAmerica. #FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING


Grand Prix des Mairies RR Contrecoeur Quebec Sunday September 20, 2020


Our Boys rocking POC Helmets and Glasses before the GrandPrixdesMairiesContrecoeurRR. Thanks et Merci to the organizers ccdynamiks and the FQSC- Cyclisme pour tous for putting on a great race and keeping everybody safe!! Our team did well Greg Boileau placing 6th in Pro1-2. Also Pierre Antoine Larochelle finishing and Sebastien Parent finishing the race Czeslaw Lukaszewicz placing 3rd!! Thanks to POC Schwalbe tires Corsino Sport with you guys behind the team we didn't need to worry and concentrate on the race with such great products to race with.

Czeslaw Lukaszewicz to ride the Tour De Silence on September 16, 2020

Czeslaw Lukaszewicz getting ready to ride the  Tour de Silence on Wednesday September 16, 2020 in honor of fallen cyclists all over Quebec.

Arthur Silber and Czeslaw Lukaszewicz Picture before Chateauguay Region West Ride on Monday September 07 2020

Arthur Silber and Czeslaw Lukaszewicz before their Chateuguay region west ride on Monday September 7, 2020. Thanks to our sponsors: Corsino Sport, Schwalbe Tires NA, DAI Inc. FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING

VeloSelect Silber Rider Greg Boileau Ranked 2nd in Canada

VeloSelect Rider Greg Boileau is now ranked 2nd in Canada on Zwift. Thanks to our sponsors: Schwalbe North America, CorsinoSport. DAIInc. #FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING.  

VeloSelect-Silber Greg Boileau wins OH MY CRIT- The Double Race 1/2 on Thursday August 20, 2020


VeloSelect-Silber Rider Greg Boileau won the OH MY CRIT-The Double Race 1/2 race on Zwift on Thursday August 20,2020 with many talented riders all over the world competing. Thanks to our Sponsors, Corsino Sports, Schwalbe North America and DAI Inc. #FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING 

Greg Boileau wins KISS at Race 100 - Americas


VeloSelect-Silber Rider Greg Boileau wins the Kiss at Americas race 100 on Sunday August 16, 2020. He also raced with impressive company. The other two competitors are top zwift ranked riders in the world!!!  Thanks to our sponsors: Corsino Sport, Schwalbe North America, DAI Inc, 





Epic Picture of Greg Boileau Rocking the Corsino Sport Cycling Kit

VeloSelect-Silber rider Greg Boileau rocking our Cycling Kit from CorsinoSport looking brand new!!! Salt stained but it looks fresh!!!!! Thanks to our Sponsors: Corsino Sport, Pocsports, DAI Inc, Schwalbe North America #FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING  

Greg Boileau Wins OCA Indoor Series #5



Photo Credit @ArcEvent Management and OCA.
                                                 OCA Indoor Road Race Series #5
                                 Presented by ARC Event Management May 30th, 2020
                          Jungle Circuit Reverse, Watopia Elite 1/2 Men & Master 1 Men
                                 Results - 5 Laps - 45.8 KM - Average Speed 41.33 km/h

                           Place      Name                 Team                 Cat          Time Gap

                           1 BOILEAU, Greg Veloselect Silber Elite 1/2 Men 1:06:29 1
                           2 BIRD, Bruce Wheels of Bloor Elite 1/2 Men 1:06:29 s.t. 2
                           3 WHITE, Conor Hamilton United Elite 1/2 Men 1:06:29 s.t.

Winner Winner Chicken dinner!!! Veloselect-Silber rider Greg Boileau wins OCA IRRS Series #5  Jungle Reverse Course. Thanks to our sponsors.#FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING

VeloSelect Rider Matthew Owens placed second at the OCA Zwift Series Race#4

                                                    OCA Indoor Road Race
                                                           Series #4
                                             Presented by ARC Event Management
                                                        May 23rd, 2020
                                                 Sand & Sequoias, Watopia
                Elite 1/2 Men Results - 4 Laps - 80.8 KM - Average Speed 46.83 km/h
                                          Place  Name  Team  Cat   Time  Gap
                       1 JOHNSON, Kaj CCF Racing Elite 1/2 Men 1:43:31
                       2 OWENS, Matthew Veloselect Silber Elite 1/2 Men 1:51:09 07:38
                       3 RISSER, Laurent Bateman's Bike Co p/b Cloud 9 AV Elite 1/2 Men 1:53:54 10:23
                                        #FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING     

VeloSelect-Silber Rider Greg Boileau wins Onatrio Cup RR #3 on Zwift

                                           OCA Indoor Road Race Series #3
                        Presented by ARC Event Management May 16th, 2020
                                    Greater London Loop, London, UK (Zwift)
     Elite 1/2 Men & Master 1 Men Results - 3 Laps - 63.63 KM - Average Speed 44.41 km/h

                      Place         Name                Team                Cat     Time Gap

                      1 BOILEAU, Greg Veloselect-Silber Elite 1/2 Men 1:25:57
                      2 DOWD, Oliver Dropouts Elite 1/2 Men 1:25:57 s.t.
                      3 BIRD, Bruce Wheels Of Bloor Elite 1/2 Men 1:25:57 s.t

VeloSelect-Silber Rider Greg Boileau won the OCA Indoor RR Series Race #3 on Zwift.  
                              #FOLLOWTHERED #KEEPFIGHTING

Veloselect-Silber Rider Greg Boileau places 2nd at Innsbruck Race on Zwift

VeloSelect-Silber Rider Greg Boileau placed 2nd on Thursday May 7 2020 in a race on Zwift which was on the 3R Innsbruck Ring. The field  was mixed with Canadians, Americans, and Europeans!!   Congrats to Greg!!!