Ex NHL and part of the Coaching Staff of the Canadian Womens Hockey Team Patrick Boileau at Czeslaw's Bikeshop Boutique VeloSelect in Chateauguay Quebec


Ex NHL Player Patrick Boileau and part of the Canadian Womens Hockey Team Coaching Staff stopping by @boutiqueveloselect in Chateauguay Quebec to have Olympian Czeslaw Lukaszewicz put his Spiegel Bikes bike San Marino model together and it is a beautiful custom made bike that is great to ride on!Patrick Bouleau l'ancien Joueur du NHL et L'entraîneur de L'équipe du Hockey Canadien Femme ...etait au magasin Velo Select pour assembler son vélo Spiegel San Marino par l'Olympian Czeslaw Lukaszewicz ..un magnifique vélo et un excellent pour Rouler...!!!